Episode 14: Helaman 1 - 6

August 18, 2020 01:44:53
Episode 14: Helaman 1 - 6
Latter-day Peace Studies presents: Come, Follow Me
Episode 14: Helaman 1 - 6

Aug 18 2020 | 01:44:53


Hosted By

Ben Petersen

Show Notes

Shiloh and guest-host Christopher Hurtado talk about the state of Nephite affairs after the official "War Chapters" conclude. Political intrigue, pride in the Church, international conflict, and a failed military bid to regain lost lands find the Nephites at a loss. Christopher and Shiloh discuss myth narratives and find interesting verses that combine the Garden of Eden myth together with the Lehi/Nephi Dream myth in how to become one with God. Nephi and Lehi go out to preach the world of God and follow the pattern set forward by their great-grandfather, Alma the Younger, as the Lamanites repent and become converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ. We see another Lamanite conversion so deep that they, like the Anti Nephi Lehis before, also bury their weapons of war. The Gadianton Robbers begin to plague both the Nephites and the Lamanites, but the converted Lamanites have a powerful weapon that they use to destroy the Gadiantons from their land.

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