Episode 3: Alma 8 - 12

June 07, 2020 01:18:13
Episode 3: Alma 8 - 12
Latter-day Peace Studies presents: Come, Follow Me
Episode 3: Alma 8 - 12

Jun 07 2020 | 01:18:13


Hosted By

Ben Petersen

Show Notes

Alma ventures to the city of Ammonihah where he is confronted for the first time with a people who adamantly reject his message. As he leaves the city, an angel appears and tells him to return, because the leaders were studying how to destroy the liberty of the people. Shiloh and Ben discuss the messages of Alma and Amulek in this context, and Ben finds some interesting parallels between Alma 8 and the Beatitudes that we hadn’t seen before. 

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