Shiloh and Ben discuss the Sections in D&C that are directed towards the Whitmers. These Sections, while short, hold a key to understanding the power of asking questions. The questions we ask are highly indicative of the understanding that we possess of how and what we perceive we need. The Lord speaks to us in our language and understanding, and He also answers our questions accordingly. He reveals unto us “line upon line, and precept upon precept,” and we receive that in which are willing and capable of receiving. Notice the different questions that the Whitmers ask and the different answers that they receive. One asks to know his “individual duty,” while the others asked “to know that which would be of the most worth.” In both answers, the Lord is kind, patient, loving, compassionate, and full of grace. What sometimes looks like “template revelations” (i.e., seemingly copy-and-paste revelations) really speaks to the general understanding of these men in their socio-religious environments in their relationship to God. What message did God see that this generation needed to know about the restoration of the gospel to give these similar revelations? Sometimes we assume too much of what these men and women possibly understood individual and as a whole, but if we slow down to reflect on why each verse was given we are not only able to see these men and women more clearly and humbly but the love and grace of God also stand out in the forefront of each revelation.
Deuteronomy, Devarim, Words. Moses’ words recall his uneasy relationship with speech all the way back to his conversation with God at the burning bush....
Shiloh and Ben begin a preliminary discussion to contextualize the war chapters. They explore the observations for the Lord's stated means of deliverance in...
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