Shiloh and Ben talk about the “Articles and Covenants” of Section 20. The Church was finally established, and the first 6 members had joined. While many structural changes within D&C 20 remain today, there were many structural changes to the Church in the ensuing years. Between the years of 1830 – 1838, the name of the Church changed several times (at least 6). The final name (as it appears in D&C 115:4) — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — was revealed by the Lord in April, 1838. President Nelson has recently stated that the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ is an ongoing endeavor, and there will yet be many changes. While “there is a God in heaven, who is infinite and eternal, from everlasting to everlasting the same unchangeable God” (D&C 20:17), He does speak to us in our “weakness, after the manner of [our] language” (D&C 1:24). Over time, our ideas also evolve, and we gain more light, knowledge, and truth as time progresses. Through D&C 20’s use of “justification,” “sanctification,” and “grace,” we are able to have a more comprehensive understanding of God’s eternal nature.
Shiloh and guest co-host Christopher Hurtado talk about the early Saints’ consistent divine call to create sacred space. Whether in Kirtland, Jackson County, Caldwell...
Luke 22; John 18