Episode 19: 3 Nephi 12 - 16 (Part 1 of 2)

September 21, 2020 01:20:15
Episode 19: 3 Nephi 12 - 16 (Part 1 of 2)
Latter-day Peace Studies presents: Come, Follow Me
Episode 19: 3 Nephi 12 - 16 (Part 1 of 2)

Sep 21 2020 | 01:20:15


Hosted By

Ben Petersen

Show Notes

Shiloh and Ben embark on discussing a favorite topic: The Beatitudes and the Sermon at the Temple (equivalent to the Sermon on the Mount in the Book of Matthew in the Gospels) . The Beatitudes are the Preamble to the rest of the Sermon at the Temple, and it is impossible to really understand the rest of the Sermon if we miss the importance and setting of the Beatitudes. In both the Sermon on the Mount (in Matthew) and in the Sermon at the Temple (3 Nephi), the settings are symbolically the same: a high place / the temple. Whereas we often glance over the Beatitudes are simply random and unconnected virtues, they are infinitely more than that. In fact, within the story of the Beatitudes is the entirety of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as the rest of the Sermon at the Temple are little vignette's of what a Beatitude-type person (i.e., someone who walks the path of the "Christ") is like in various situations. The coming of Jesus Christ is the most important story in the Book of Mormon, as it is the apex of the Book of Mormon's reason for existence. Central to that message is the Sermon at the Temple, and, for that reason, we've made two parts out of this week's Come, Follow Me. There was just too much great stuff to talk about! We hope that you enjoy!

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Website: https://www.latterdaypeacestudies.org/ Latter-day Peace Studies Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/latterdaypeacestudy Latter-day Nonviolence, Pacifism, and Peace Studies Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854473174913930/



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Website: https://www.latterdaypeacestudies.org/ Latter-day Peace Studies Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/latterdaypeacestudy Latter-day Nonviolence, Pacifism, and Peace Studies Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854473174913930/


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