Episode 34: D&C 2; Joseph Smith - History 1:27-65

January 12, 2021 01:27:21
Episode 34: D&C 2; Joseph Smith - History 1:27-65
Latter-day Peace Studies presents: Come, Follow Me
Episode 34: D&C 2; Joseph Smith - History 1:27-65

Jan 12 2021 | 01:27:21


Hosted By

Ben Petersen

Show Notes

Ben and Shiloh talk about the entrance of “the mentor” in Joseph Smith’s journey through the angelic messenger Moroni. Last week was Joseph’s “call to adventure,” and the entrance of Joseph’s mentor sets both the theme and the stage for the entire restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the modern world. In our telling of this story we typically focus on three points: (1) Moroni’s multiple appearances to Joseph on the night of September 21, 1823, and one appearance the next day, (2) that Moroni said Joseph’s name would be for good and bad among all nations, and (3) that Joseph was shown in vision where the plates were buried upon the Hill Cumorah. What we commonly neglect is the main body of Moroni’s actual message to Joseph in quoting from four distinct passages of scripture and of what those scriptures are and mean. It is through these scriptures where Moroni reveals the power and need for the restoration. Through Malachi we discover that the power and authority of God are coming to heal the family of God on earth; through Isaiah we gain confidence that Zion will be established where violence will cease to exist and where all nature will be redeemed; Acts informs us that a new Moses is coming in Jesus Christ who will bring His doctrine (which doctrine is the Sermon on the Mount); and Joel’s prophecy makes us aware that signs and wonders will happen beyond our comprehension, yet we have no reason to fear for the Lord will deliver all who call upon His name. Truly, these are grand purposes and a glorious theme for the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ!

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