Shiloh and Ben open up a discussion about Martin Harris and the lost 116 pages of the Book of Mormon. There is so much to grasp of the grace and mercy of God throughout these three sections of scripture, and we often sidestep these conversations because they threaten the worldview of our ego-based false selves. Scripture is a beautiful thing, for it is the record of when mankind and God touch. Within the scriptural record we see God pouring through cracks of men’s foibles to reveal Himself again and again between the erroneous narratives of the false self. On each page of scripture we find both a documented account of the true and false selves in how they relate to and see God. Sections 3-5 reveal much of this tug-of-war between the true and false selves in how they see God. Once we begin to recognize the tension expressed in scripture between what God is revealing of what we really are (as created in God’s image) and what the world is propagating us to believe of what really are (as created “after the image of [our] own god” (D&C 1:16)), the depths of Joseph’s and Martin’s darkness at the loss of the 116 pages and of God’s reassuring grace and mercy begin to take on completely new meanings.
Also available to listen to, download, and subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Podcast.
Podcast edited by Kyle Swingle and Catherine Hamilton.
Website: Latter-day Peace Studies Facebook Page: Latter-day Nonviolence, Pacifism, and Peace Studies Facebook Group:
Shiloh and Ben discuss the story of the Anti-Lehi-Nephis, the Beatitudes, the Doctrine of Perhaps, nonviolence, and the history of how the Church of...
Website: Latter-day Peace Studies Facebook Page: Latter-day Nonviolence, Pacifism, and Peace Studies Facebook Group: