Episode 65: D&C 93

August 25, 2021 01:25:06
Episode 65: D&C 93
Latter-day Peace Studies presents: Come, Follow Me
Episode 65: D&C 93

Aug 25 2021 | 01:25:06


Hosted By

Ben Petersen

Show Notes

Shiloh and Ben discuss topics of truth, grace, light, intelligence, God’s nature, knowledge, agency, glory, the spirit, Satan’s nature, the true/false self, obedience, and family obligations. There is a lot to unpack in Section 93’s few pages. In our religious observances, it is common to ponder over the question of God’s existence. It would seem that the most powerful experience we could have in this life would be to actually see and physically converse with God face-to-face. But is this really so? Consider the many theophanies documented in the scriptures. The rapturous and celestial event fades away and the person is left again to its own devices, weaknesses, and reality. While the memory of the event may remain, the day-to-day struggles impact the same after as before the divine manifestation. Individual nature is not forever changed by these angelic or divine manifestations. So, is seeing the face of God really such a long-lasting and transformative experience? What types of experiences are long-lasting and transformative? The 6th Beatitude tells us that the pure in heart will see the face of God, yet there are still Beatitudes beyond God’s appearance to experience. Are there possibly metaphorical ways that we can experience and see the face of God that is more transformative than a direct heavenly visitation?

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