Episode 77: D&C 133-134

November 17, 2021 01:16:22
Episode 77: D&C 133-134
Latter-day Peace Studies presents: Come, Follow Me
Episode 77: D&C 133-134

Nov 17 2021 | 01:16:22


Hosted By

Ben Petersen

Show Notes

Ben and Shiloh discuss the many repeating themes found in Section 133 from the beginning of the D&C, and they muse over how Section 133 is an interesting original bookend following Section 132. This is as if to show that Section 133 is how things start, and Section 132 is how things ended in Joseph’s experience as the leader of the Church. The “declaration of belief” concerning government found in Section 135 has an interesting historical context to the Saints when it was first written and voted on by the Saints while Joseph was away. It shows a very interesting window into the beliefs of the early Saints concerning how they saw themselves as Americans in not only belief and socio-political identity but as the literal embodiment of the virtues portrayed in American Republicanism.

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