Latest Episodes

Episode 97: Exodus 21-34
Ben and Christopher discuss the laws put forth in the Book of the Covenant. These laws have an Ancient Near Eastern context mirrored in...

Episode 96: Exodus 18-20
Moses and the Children of Israel have been delivered from slavery and brought out of Egypt by the power of the LORD. As Moses...

Episodes 94 & 95: Exodus 7-13; 14-17
Ben and Christopher combine two weeks’ readings into one podcast on the core of the Exodus narrative. The LORD afflicts Egypt with 10 plagues...

Episode 93: Exodus 1-6
In this episode, we begin the Book of Exodus. God begins to fulfill the promises made to the patriarchs when he raises up Moses...

Episode 92: Genesis 42-50
The story of Joseph in Egypt is found in texts outside the Bible. Not only do we see it woven deeply into the Book...

Episode 91: Genesis 34-41
This week the Come Follow Me curriculum omits a few chapters in Genesis. Ben and Christopher discuss these anyway since they touch on important...