Latest Episodes

Episode 36: D&C 6-9
Ben and Shiloh review the sections that speak primarily to and about Oliver Cowdery. Oliver has a rich history before and after coming into...

Episode 35: D&C 3-5
Shiloh and Ben open up a discussion about Martin Harris and the lost 116 pages of the Book of Mormon. There is so much...

Episode 34: D&C 2; Joseph Smith - History 1:27-65
Ben and Shiloh talk about the entrance of “the mentor” in Joseph Smith’s journey through the angelic messenger Moroni. Last week was Joseph’s “call...

Episode 33: Joseph Smith History 1:1-26
Shiloh and Ben open up a discussion about Joseph Smith’s First Vision and his “call to adventure.” Joseph lived in a day when there...

Episode 32: Doctrine and Covenants 1
Ben and Shiloh are excited to get back into the Come, Follow Me discussion as the new year rolls around in talking about Church...

Episode 31: Moroni 10
Shiloh and Ben discuss Moroni 10 and finalize this year’s narrative in talking about the Book of Mormon. It is of interest that it...